Eagle News

March 14, 2025

SEEKING SUMMER CAMP COUNSELORS! Come spend a fun summer with our PK through 6th grade campers! Must be 18 or older (21 and up preferred). New counselors will be teamed up with experienced counselors. Hours will vary between 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Must be Child Protection certified - click here for requirements. Interested candidates - please email Camp Director Tristan Warren at warrent@stmbr.org.

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Green Accessory Day - March 17

Students may wear green t-shirts in place of the uniform shirt or over the jumper, colored socks, ties, turtlenecks, bows, jewelry, beads, hats (not worn inside), scarves and sweatshirts.

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2025-2026 Extended Care Registration is Open

Extended Care is available for all students in PK3 through 8th grade before school in the mornings and after the school day has ended. Click here for details and to register for Extended Care.

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This week, your child brought home a small cardboard container labeled “CRS Rice Bowl.” Since 1975, Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Rice Bowl has been helping faith communities encounter God and our global family throughout Lent by practicing prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. As a longstanding Lenten tradition, Catholics across the United States have come together through this program to serve our sisters and brothers experiencing hunger worldwide.

Encourage your child to help around the house to earn money to give to others in need. Every little bit counts and adds up! We will continue this service project through Lent, and return the rice bowls in a ziploc bag with your child’s name and homeroom starting the week of April 14. The last day to bring in the rice bowls will be on Holy Thursday, April 17. For more information, go to crsricebowl.org.

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8th Grade Memory Monday - March 24

We are implementing a NEW 8th grade tradition this year ... MEMORY MONDAY! 8th graders may dress up on March 24 as any special memory you have from your time at STM. It could be an enhanced learning day: Colonial Day, American History Day, Louisiana Day, American Symbols, Taste Fair, etc. It could be the ferris wheel from the festival or the zipper! It could be the duck pond (minus the water), or any booth from Mission Day. It could be Youth Legislature or something from a Beta club meeting or perhaps Halloween committee from Student Council. There are SO MANY OPTIONS! Use your creativity! We are hoping that everyone will do something, and we will share these at morning assembly, too. This is happening March 24, so put on your thinking cap now!  

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Please remember that due to safety and liability coverage, we cannot allow any other children or siblings to attend these STM events. Only 8th grade girls and boys enrolled at STM may attend.

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Afternoon Extended Care Closed May 2

The STM Festival is May 2-4. For the safety of Extended Care students, there will be no afternoon Extended Care on Friday, May 2. Enjoy the weekend at the Festival!

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Nurse's Notes

DISEASE OF THE WEEK: Spring Allergies Spring allergy season is the time of year when the pollen count is at its highest, usually March through May. Allergy symptoms vary from mild to severe and include: itchy, red, watery eyes; sneezing; rashes/hives, itchy skin; and respiratory symptoms/wheezing. If your child suffers from seasonal allergy symptoms, now is the time to start taking daily preventative medications like antihistamines, eye drops, and inhalers (if prescribed). Installing new air filters in your car and home and washing your hands, face, and clothing after going outdoors is also helpful. Ask a physician for treatment recommendations if symptoms are persistent. An allergy specialist can help those that have asthma or suffer from severe symptoms during allergy season.

UNIFORMS NEEDED IN FIRST AID: Uniforms are kept in the nurse’s office for students that may need a change of clothes. Please wash and return borrowed uniforms. We are currently in need of the following:

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STM Church News

LENTEN SCHEDULE: STM Church offers many ways for you to prepare your heart for the celebration of Easter. See the  schedule below and journey through Lent with us.

STATIONS OF THE CROSS: Pray the Stations of the Cross with us today, Friday, March 14, after 6 p.m. Mass.

DIVINE MERCY NOVENA: The Divine Mercy Novena of Chaplets continues in the church on Tuesdays after the 6 p.m. Mass: March 18 and 25; April 1, 8, 15, and 22.

LENTEN FISH FRY TODAY! FRIDAY, MARCH 14: Join us for delicious fried fish dinners for $10 a plate. Dine in the cafeteria from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., or pick up dinners via the activity center drive-thru from 5 to 5:30 p.m. Cash, check and Venmo accepted. And mark your calendar for the next Fish Fry Fridays - March 28 and April 11.

BLOOD DRIVE THIS SUNDAY, MARCH 16: Give the gift of life this Lent! Please consider donating at the STM/OLOL Blood Center mobile drive on Sunday, March 16, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. No appointments needed.

ST. JOSEPH ALTAR: Celebrate the Solemnity of St. Joseph with us! The blessing of the STM Church St. Joseph Altar will follow 12 p.m. Mass on Wednesday, March 19. The altar is located in the activity center, room 3 – viewing from 1 to 5 p.m.

CONFIRMATION Q & A WITH FR. EDDIE: Questions about the changes for the Sacrament of Confirmation? Fr. Eddie will host a Q & A on Monday, March 24, at 7 p.m. in the STM Activity Center. Parents, please visit the sacraments page on the STM church website to get information about the upcoming Confirmation changes being made in the diocese and in our parish. Please click here for the Confirmation age guide.

NOODLE BOWL FUNDRAISER: We're planning for FESTIVAL 2025 and that means the noodle bowl fundraiser is back! We suggest you pre-order your dinner(s) as these delicious noodle bowls sell out each year! Enjoy bowls of bun thit nuong cha gio - rice noodles with grilled pork and egg roll for $12 a bowl. Carry out from the activity center, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. on Sunday, March 30. Click here to preorder.

LENTEN MISSION: Make plans to attend the STM Parish Lenten Mission presented by Mr. Greg Aymond, Manresa Retreat Master, in the church on March 31, April 1 and 2, at 6:30 p.m.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: April 3 from 9:45 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the church. All are welcome to join.

STM YOUTH GATHERING: The April 11 gathering will relocate to St. Michael High School from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. to participate in the Fund$ies for the Nunsies Kickball Tournament benefiting the Mercedarian Sisters. 5th-8th graders are invited. $10 a person. To register for the kickball tournament, go to stmbr.org/kickball.

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: Mark your calendars for June 16 to 20 for STM VBS "True North - Trusting Jesus in a Wild World," for students entering Kindergarten to 5th grade. Crew leaders, junior helpers and volunteers are needed. Registration opens on April. 16 at stmbr.org/news/vbs

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Save the Dates

Green Accessory Day
End of Q3

School Mass (K-4)
Report cards posted (1-8)

Talent Show

MARCH 27: School Mass (K-8)

School Mass (5-8)
8th grade Mother & Daughter Fiesta and Father & Son Game Night

APRIL 10: School Mass (K-4)

APRIL 17: School Mass (K-8) and Passion Play

APRIL 18-25: Easter Break

MAY 2-4: STM Church Festival

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Our Mission Statement
St. Thomas More Catholic School is committed to continuing a legacy of excellence in religious and academic education in a nurturing environment that fosters self-discipline.