2024-25 Annual Fund

Thank you for your constant support of St. Thomas More Catholic School. We proudly educate 570 students
from preschool through 8th grade with 68 dedicated staff members in a faith-filled environment.

100% of our staff already has participated in the Annual Fund this year, always showing their support of our mission.

Our goal is to raise $60,000 to complete a synchronous
computer application class lab renovation.

Click here to support our annual fund - Thank you!

Ways to Give

Venmo: Click here to give to @stmbrschool. Please include "STM Annual Fund" in the transaction description.
Check: Please mail your gift to:
St. Thomas More Catholic School
Annual Fund
11400 Sherbrook Dr.
Baton Rouge, LA, 70815

Thank you to our generous donors!

Danielle Adams
Akunne Family
Kori Allen
Julianne Alt
Brandy Arnold
Christina Babin
Dane Bailey
Kirk and Millie Bailey
Kristin Baldridge
Joy Barber
Anna Bellow
David Bergeron, in honor of Esme S. Bergeron
Michael Bergeron
Victoria Blair
Craig and Myra Blanchard
Tim Bonaventure
Pamela Booth
Amanda Bordelon
David Bordelon
Kent Bordelon
Rochelle Bowman
Jerry Brenner
Tifani Broussard
Jane Brown
Paul and Colleen Bryant
Ali Buchart
Blakeley Buckley
Robert and Lyna Buckley
David and Helene Burgin
Herbert Butt
James Buuck
Joanna Campbell
Katie Castille
Jan and Donald Chance
Brittney Chustz
Stefanie Chustz
Laurie Clark
Danielle and Chris Claudet
Maria Clayton
Gina Climek
Keith Comeaux
Duane Cothren
Lauren Curry
Maria and Monte Danos
Karen Dartez
Janice Davis, in memory of Ralph Dupuy
Susan Davis
Bridget Day
Brenda Denison
Marty Dobbins
William Donaldson, in honor of Jules Donaldson
Sara Ducote‍
Birnie and Linda Dupuy, in memory of Ralph Dupuy
Ralph Dupuy, Jr., in memory of Ralph Dupuy
Rusty Dupuy, in memory of Ralph Dupuy
Amanda Eastman
Toni Encalade
Natalia Fandiño-Ortiz
Ann Farris, in memory of Ralph Dupuy
Kristen Flores
Michelle Fontenot
Farrell and Karen Fruge
Susan Fruge
Charles Fryling
Tracy Gaspard
Genny Gohn
Abby Granger
James and Jacqueline Gray, in memory of Ralph Dupuy
Jennifer Guidry
Lindsey Guillot
Victoria Hall
Denise Halloran, in honor of Jack Wilkinson
Allison Hebert
Dana Hebert
Kenny and Sharon Hebert
Melissa Higgins
Lan Hoang
April Holcomb
Leigh Holder
Phillip Honore
Carla Hughes
Mary Katherine Jackson
Lisa Johnson
Brandi Juneau
Susan Kotteman
Melanie LaFleur
Ninette Lafranca
Ruth Linder
Ashley Llaneza
Rebecca Lommel
Patti Lyons
Joseph and Cheryl Macaluso
Katie Macaluso
Fr. Eddie Martin
Ashley McDaniel
Danny Messenger
Terry and Tara Messenger
Adriane Metz
Rene Mire
Kaleigh Mitchell
Michael Moran
Marian Morris, in honor of Jude and Jack Morris
Clifford Muir
Elizabeth Murrell
Ronald and Wanda Naquin
Donna Newman
Yvette Nicholson
Lauren Odom
April Palombo
Mark and Kayla Pollet
Kathleen and Javier Presas
Brian Quantrille
Claudia Richard
Cynthia Ristroph
Stephanie Roth
Samaha Family, in memory of Ralph Dupuy
Jo Samaha, in memory of Ralph Dupuy
Karen and Henri Saunders, in honor of Lauren, Catherine, and Rachel
Ashley Schade
Mignon Schexnayder
Sherri Schiro
Mr. and Mrs. John Schittone Jr.
John Serbeck
Reagan Snow
Mallory Sollie
Emilie Speyrer
Richard Speyrer
Ralph and Sissy Stephens, in memory of Ralph Dupuy
Clay and Beth Stewart
Sally Streete
Mary Sturdivant
Kathryn Sullivan
Natalie Summers
Kristin Taranto
Samuel Terito, Jr.
Gretchen Thibodeaux
Linda Thomas, in memory of Ralph Dupuy
Thuy To
Totem Construction
Brad Tuminello
Phyllis Uffman
John and Cheryl Volentine
Sheri Vutera
Bethany Waguespack
Wardlaw Lasseigne & LeBouef, LLC, in memory of Ralph Dupuy
Susan Webre
Mackie Wall
Chip and Kay White
Sara Wisdom
Barry and Cynthia Wynne
Peter and Lisa Zumo

#iGiveCatholic Donors

Judy Johnson
Harold and Lindsey Junca
Paul and Gail Knecht
Ken Leggett
Jared and Elizabeth Llorens
Edgardo and Cathey Merle
Kayla Pollet
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Russell
Barbara Sanders
Sommer Sasich
Jamie Smith
Samuel Terito, Jr.
STM Church Parishioners
David Theophilus and Gwen Grass
Kay and Chip White
Chris Woolson

To Guide. To Inspire. To Serve.