There’s nothing like celebrating Catholicism’s most sacred sacraments right from the comfort of your home parish. Find out when and how to join us at St. Thomas More to celebrate the sacraments.
Parents who wish their child to be baptized should be registered members of St. Thomas More Parish. Attendance at a baptism seminar is required.
Contact: Sarah Neau
In person baptism seminars are suspended at this time. Contact Sarah Neau to inquire about other options.
Baptisms are usually held during 10 am Sunday Mass. Contact Sarah Neau for private baptism information.
2024 Baptism Dates:
Jul 13/14 - Aug 17/18 - Sept 14/15 - Oct 19/20 - Nov 16/17
2025 Baptism Dates:
Jan 11/12 - Feb15/16 - Apr 26/27 - May 17/18 - Jun 14/15
Parents who wish their child to be baptized should be registered members of St. Thomas More Parish. Attendance at a baptism seminar is required.
Contact: Sarah Neau
In person baptism seminars are suspended at this time. Contact Sarah Neau to inquire about other options.
Baptisms are usually held during 10 am Sunday Mass. Contact Sarah Neau for private baptism information.
2024 Baptism Dates:
Jul 13/14
Aug 17/18
Sept 14/15
Oct 19/20
Nov 16/17
2025 Baptism Dates:
Jan 11/12
Feb 15/16
Apr 26/27
May 17/18
Jun 14/15
Second grade students with two years of Catholic school or parish school of religion classes are eligible for the sacrament. Parents are required to attend seminars to facilitate their taking on a more active role in preparing their child for God’s gift of forgiveness.
Students are further prepared during religion classes offered by STM School and the STM Parish School of Religion for the Sacrament of First Reconciliation. Sacramental preparation takes place in the parish in which the family is registered.
First Reconciliation preparation begins in October, including a parent meeting, retreat for the candidates, and the sacrament in December.
Contact: Church Office, 225.275.3940
Second grade students who have been in Catholic School or parish school of religion classes for two years are eligible to receive the sacrament. Parents are required to attend seminars to facilitate their taking on a more active role in preparing their child for God’s gift of communion.
Students are further prepared during religion classes offered by STM School and the STM Parish School of Religion for the Sacrament of First Eucharist. Sacramental preparation takes place in the parish in which the family is registered.
First Eucharist preparation begins in February, including a parent meeting, retreat for the candidates, and the sacrament after Easter Sunday.
Contact: Church Office, 225.275.3940
The Sacrament of Confirmation is an important step in the lives of all Catholics through which candidates have to personally appropriate the faith their parents and godparents received on their behalf at baptism. Preparation includes participation in the parent-candidate session, a retreat, and weekly formation.
Bishop Duca announced in a letter on December 8, 2024, that he is lowering the age for Confirmation from high school to 7th grade to give our children the full grace of the sacrament at an earlier age to meet the challenges of our times. STM's transition plan has been determined and can be viewed HERE.
Based on STM's transition plan, parishioners in the 10th and 11th grade will be confirmed in the fall of 2025 - registration will open in June. **If you are out of the parish but want to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation at STM, you must have a letter of permission signed by your pastor and a copy of your baptism certificate submitted with your registration.
Contact Bridget Day
This formation process is for practicing adult Catholics who are in need of the Sacrament of Confirmation.For more informatiocontact Sarah Neau
The Church today has the responsibility of helping couples enter into a marriage that’s full of grace, happiness, and permanence. Married couples in the parish share their experience by meeting with the engaged and conducting the Pre-Marital Inventory in preparation for reception of the Sacrament of Matrimony.
Arrangements for a marriage must be made at least six months before the anticipated wedding date to allow sufficient time for marriage preparation. Weddings at St. Thomas More can be booked up to one year in advance.
Contact the church office to begin marriage planning.
In case of serious illness, please contact the parish office to arrange for the Anointing of the Sick. Contact the parish office as soon as possible to begin preparation for the sacrament.
All members of the Church participate in the priesthood of all believers through Baptism. However, some men are called to serve Jesus and the Church today through the celebration of the Sacrament of Holy Orders. Through their leadership in the Church, they help continue Jesus’ presence on Earth in the tradition of the apostles.
There are three levels of participation in the Sacrament of Holy Orders: as bishop, as priest (from presbyter, which is Greek for “elder”), and as a deacon.
Those considering a call to the priesthood, permanent diaconate or religious life may wish to visit with Fr. Eddie, or contact Fr. Josh Johnson, Diocesan Vocations Director.